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Victor from Sri lanka

September 23, 2013

Germany is a ruthless nation. At least that is what Victor thought when he was in grade school. But DW’s shortwave service helped change his mind.

Image: privat

Name: Victor
City / Country: Piliyandala / Sri Lanka
Year of birth: 1947
Occupation: Teacher, lecturer, broadcaster, technical monitor

I use DW because I want to be informed and know about Germany from a German broadcaster, and not just via VOS, BBC, CNN or Al Jazeera.

I am interested in features on Germany, but not solely about German politics.

What I especially like about DW is that it depicts and speaks for Germany.

My first experience with DW was when I got to know that Germans are rational people, that not all are Nazis or Neo Nazis, that they are actually really decent people. DW made me change my attitude towards Germany completely, which as a schoolboy was rather dismissive because in my mind I had the image of a ruthless nation. Thanks DW!

My wish for the future: Since DW has ceased its short wave radio programming I wish for other European countries to continue transmitting via short wave so I can still get information about Europe from Europe, even if only for half an hour daily.

Sent by: Victor from Sri Lanka
Edited by: Jeanette Müller

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