Welcome to eco@africa
June 15, 2017This week’s eco@africa is once again packed with new green ideas and environmental news.
We kick off the show in Malawi, one of the world's poorest countries where livestock epidemics often spread like wildfire. The country’s few vets are powerless to stop them, but now an animal welfare organization from Berlin is trying to help them tackle the problem.
Next up, we head to Germany, where Tanzanian eco-volunteer Shahaya Shao has spent more than six months learning about sustainable agriculture methods. You can also follow his experiences at eco@africa’s ecoblog.
Over in Kenya’s Nairobi National Park, home to 36 lions, we see how technology is trying to avoid conflict between them and humans.
Back in Europe, we discover how an Italian architect has turned his dream of co-existing with nature within an urban landscape into a reality – by creating a kind of 'treehouse' for city dwellers.
We then take a look at how an entrepreneur in Kenya is trying to combat the severe lack of adequate sanitation for millions of people in Africa with his 'Ikotoilet'.
Finally, we travel to Rwanda, where walking 5km to the next generator to charge your mobile phone is part of everyday life - but where bringing solar kiosks to remote areas is changing this.
Check out the show and let us know what you think at ecoafrica@dw.com.