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Welcome to this week's eco@africa

January 19, 2018

Join us in western Uganda and see how to turn elephant dung into paper, see how scientists are trying to save Madagascar’s lemurs and learn about upcycling waste from the Mediterranean. All this and more!

DW eco@africa -Nneota Egbe
Image: DW

This week's eco@africa takes you from Madagascar to Greenland!

First, we travel to western Uganda where a group of women are turning elephant dung into paper and making a living from it. The women, mostly widows whose husbands were shot hunting elephants for their tusks, also hope to combat poaching.

Then, we see how fashion brand Ecoalf is trying to reduce the millions of tons of plastic waste reaching oceans annually by working with local fishermen to collect trash in the Mediterranean and "upcycle" the waste into new products.

After that we visit the lemurs of Madagascar and see how Nigeria's rural radio helps farmers with climate change by educating them on how to adapt to climate change, make a profit and use eco-friendly practices.

Finally, we go to the Kenyan island of Lamu, where some residents have found new ways to fight plastic pollution by building boats out of it.

Check out the show and let us know what you think at ecoafrica@dw.com.

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