The World Health Organization has drawn sharp criticism from some quarters over its deference to Beijing and the way it handled the COVID-19 pandemic in recent weeks.
At the end of January, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus met Chinese President Xi Jinping in BeijingImage: picture-alliance/AP Photo/Naohiko Hatta
Over the past several months, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been thrust into the international spotlight as governments across the globe sought guidance on how to stop the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, officially called SARS-CoV-2.
The preeminent global public health institution, which counts among its ranks thousands of scientists and health experts, is uniquely positioned to guide and coordinate the world's response to the medical emergency. It is also able to bring together public health specialists from around the world to exchange information and review scientific data.
The agency, which is a trusted source of information about the pandemic, has been issuing recommendations on how to tackle the spread of the coronavirus, acting as a global coordinator as well as directing scientific data and experts to places where they are most needed.
But the WHO has drawn sharp criticism from some quarters over its handling of the public health crisis.
US President Donald Trump this week even announced a suspension of Washington's financial contribution to the WHO. The move stunned the world, not least because it came at a time when the globe is grappling with a pandemic that has no parallel in recent decades.
Trump said that the WHO "missed the call" on the novel coronavirus and blamed it for being "China-centric" and "severely mismanaging" the health emergency. The US president is not alone in criticizing the agency's alleged pro-China bias, with numerous health experts and political observers raising concerns about WHO officials' deference to Beijing.
At the end of January, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and commended the country's efforts to control the outbreak. He also praised the Communist Party's top leadership for its "openness to sharing information" about the virus and its spread, even though Chinese officials in Wuhan — where COVID-19 cases first emerged — were cracking down on people for "spreading rumors" about the disease.
Initially, the WHO also advocated against limiting travel with China and recommended that countries keep their borders open.
Some experts argue that the WHO may have been worried that challenging Beijing in any way could have worsened the crisis by putting China on the defensive. "This could have potentially led to China sharing less information with the international community or to Beijing barring WHO experts from going to China," Thomas des Garets Geddes, a research fellow at the Berlin-based Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) told DW.
"But this does not explain why the WHO lavished praise on China the way it did. Such excessive — and sometimes even misleading — praise was unnecessary and wrong," he added.
Another area of contention is the perception of China's growing influence over the institution.
Since its founding in 1948, money to the WHO has flown in two streams: assessments and voluntary contributions. Each member state is required to pay a certain amount to be part of the organization; this is called an "assessed contribution," and the amount depends on a country's population and economic development.
Voluntary contributions are donations from governments as well as partners such as charities and trusts, and the funding is usually earmarked for particular projects.
The WHO — which has 194 member states — runs on a two-year budget cycle. And for 2020 and 2021, its budget amounts to about $4.8 billion (€4.4 billion), or $2.4 billion per year.
At the start of this century, the agency received almost half of its money as dues from member states, but that has now dropped to around 20% of its funds. This meant that the WHO has become more reliant on voluntary contributions to carry out its mandate.
Experts say this dependence leaves the WHO — which is lauded for its role in the elimination of smallpox, the near-eradication of polio and the fight against diseases like HIV, malaria and tuberculosis — highly susceptible to the influence of individual countries or organizations.
China's WHO contributions have grown in recent years, rising by 52% since 2014 to approximately $86 million.
While this jump is largely due to China's increase in assessed contributions, Beijing has also slightly increased voluntary contributions from $8.7 million in 2014 to approximately $10.2 million in 2019.
Still, it pales in comparison to the United States which is by far the organization's largest donor. In 2018-19, Washington's total contribution to the WHO was $893 million. The US' donations make up about 14.6% of all voluntary contributions given globally.
The next member country with the biggest contributions is the UK, which paid $434.8 million in dues and donations during that period, followed by Germany and Japan.
Despite its low share in the WHO's overall funding, experts say China's rising financial contributions increase its heft, particularly at a time when the US is seen to be giving up on international organizations and threatening to cut global health funding.
"China's potential of becoming a major WHO contributor must necessarily be an alluring prospect for the UN agency," said MERICS expert des Garets Geddes.
Observers also point out that cooperation between the WHO and China has been on the rise, be it along China's "Health Silk Road" initiative or in support of the WHO's goal of universal health coverage by 2030.
"These are projects that matter to Tedros and the WHO," said des Garets Geddes. He also stressed that China's growing economic and diplomatic clout allows Beijing to influence political decisions and build coalitions across the world. "This is especially true in the 'Global South' — an important region for the WHO. The World Health Organization needs to have China on its side."
A highly sensitive issue
Critics also point to Taiwan's continued exclusion from the WHO as evidence of Beijing's influence. Since China acceded to the UN in 1971, it has periodically blocked Taiwan from membership in international organizations like the WHO on the grounds that the democratically governed island is part of China.
Observers say Taiwan's exclusion has hampered efforts to confront global health emergencies like COVID-19.
According to Taiwan's Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), Taiwan warned the WHO about the possibility of human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus as early as December 31, 2019.
However, the CECC told DW that upon receiving the information, the WHO merely acknowledged that the information had been transferred to the relevant department.
"The WHO didn't take the information provided by Taiwan seriously, and we believe that led to the delayed global response to the COVID19 pandemic," the CECC said in a written statement to DW.
Taiwan is a highly sensitive issue for Beijing and counts as one of China's "core national interests," said Geddes.
"The WHO and its Director-General Tedros Adhanom must be all too aware that angering China over Taiwan could potentially put an end to their cooperation with Beijing. The WHO's ignoring Taiwan and treating it as if it were a Chinese province appears to be a direct consequence of these fears."
Coronavirus: Timeline of the global spread of COVID-19
Since the first cases were confirmed in December 2019, the flu-like COVID-19 virus exploded into a global pandemic, killing tens of thousands of people and infecting around 800,000. Scientists scramble for a vaccine.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/SOPA Images/A. Marzo
Pneumonia-like virus hits Wuhan
On December 31, 2019, China notifies the World Health Organization of a string of respiratory infections in the city of Wuhan, home to some 11 million people. The root virus is unknown and disease experts around the world begin working to identify it. The strain is traced to a seafood market in the city, which is quickly shut down. Some 40 people are initially reported to be infected.
Image: Imago Images/UPI Photo/S. Shaver
First death in China
On January 11, China announces the first death from the coronavirus — a 61-year-old man, who had shopped at the Wuhan market, dies from complications with pneumonia. Like SARS and the common cold, scientists identified that the new virus is in the coronavirus family. It is temporarily named 2019-nCoV. Symptoms include fever, coughing, difficulty breathing, and pneumonia.
Image: Reuters/Str
Virus reaches neighboring countries
In the following days, countries such as Thailand and Japan begin to report cases of infections in people who had visited the same Wuhan market. In China, a second fatality is confirmed in the city. By January 20, three people have died in China and more than 200 are infected.
Image: Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Millions under lockdown
China places Wuhan on quarantine on January 23 in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus. Transportation is suspended and workers attempt to quickly build a new hospital to treat infected patients, which total over 830 by January 24, as the death toll climbs to 26. Officials eventually extend the lockdown to 13 other cities, affecting at least 36 million people.
Image: AFP/STR
A global health emergency?
More and more cases are confirmed outside of China, including in South Korea, the US, Nepal, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan. As the number of infections rises, the World Health Organization on January 23 determines that it's "too early" to declare a global public health emergency.
Image: Getty Images/X. Chu
Coronavirus reaches Europe
On January 24, French authorities confirm three cases of the new coronavirus within its borders, marking the disease's first appearance in Europe. Hours later, Australia confirms four people have been infected with the respiratory virus.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/S. Mortagne
First cases confirmed in Germany
On January 27, Germany announces its first known case of the virus — a 33-year-old in Bavaria who contracted it during a workplace training with a visiting Chinese colleague. He is put under quarantine and observation at a Munich hospital. The following day, three of his colleagues are confirmed infected. The death toll in China reaches 132, with around 6,000 infected worldwide.
Image: Reuters/A. Uyanik
WHO declares global health emergency
On January 30, the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) declares coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern in a bid to protect countries with "weaker health systems." However, WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus does not recommend trade and travel restrictions, saying these would be "an unnecessary disruption."
Image: picture-alliance/KEYSTONE/J.-C. Bott
First death outside China
The first death linked to the novel coronavirus outside of China is reported in the Philippines on February 2. A 44-year-old Chinese man had traveled from Wuhan to Manila before falling ill and being taken to hospital, where he later died of pneumonia.
Image: Getty Images/AFP/T. Aljibe
Bad ending to a cruise
Also on February 3, the cruise ship Diamond Princess is quarantined off Yokohama in Japan after cases of the new coronavirus were found on board. As of February 17, the number of people infected has grown to more than 450, the largest cluster of cases outside of China. Several of the 3,700 passengers and crew onboard the ship are being or have been flown back to their home countries.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/kyodo
Italy under quarantine
Cases in Italy rise dramatically, with 77 deaths and thousands of confirmed cases by March 3. Many countries instigate travel restrictions to northern Italy and tourist numbers plummet. On March 8, the Italian government put the entire Lombardy region into quarantine, affecting 16 million people. March 10 sees 168 fatalities in Italy, the highest in a single day.
Image: Reuters/R. Casilli
Economic woes
European and US stock markets slump on March 6, leading to the worst week since the 2008 financial crisis. The effect on global business has been significant, with many companies reporting losses and the tourism industry and airlines badly hit. The EU pledge €7.5 billion ($8.4 billion) on March 10 in an investment fund to try to stop the Eurozone falling into a recession.
Image: picture-alliance/Jiji Press/M. Taguchi
WHO declares outbreak as pandemic
As worldwide cases top 127,000 and deaths pass 4,700, the World Health Organization designates the global outbreak as a "pandemic" on March 11. US President Donald Trump announces a travel restriction on people coming from the Schengen Zone in Europe, annoying the EU. German Chancellor Angela Merkel announces that in Germany, 70% of the population could get the virus.
Image: picture-alliance/Photoshot
Public life on hold in Europe
On March 14, Spain joins Italy in imposing a near-total nationwide lockdown to prevent the virus spreading. The population of 46 million is told not to leave their homes unless for essential tasks. In France, cafés, restaurants and non-essential shops are closed as of March 15. Many public events in Germany are cancelled and schools close.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/AAB. Akbulut
International travel severely restricted
As of March 15, many countries impose strict travel bans or restrictions in an attempt to stop the spread of Covid-19. For example, New Zealand and Australia require all international passengers to self-isolate for 14 days after arrival in the country. The US extends a European travel ban to include the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Image: picture-alliance/Photoshot
Germany imposes partial lockdown
In a landmark televised address German Chancellor Angela Merkel announces far-reaching restrictions on everyday life on March 22, banning meetings between more than two people not from the same household outside of the workplace. The country has a surprisingly low death rate, a phenomenon attributed to a high level of testing, and a high number of intensive care beds.
Image: picture-alliance/EibnerT. Hahn
Virus strikes at top as UK locks down
On March 23rd Britain becomes the latest country to impose restrictions on personal freedoms, with people only allowed to leave their homes in a limited number of circumstances. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is diagnosed with the viruson March 27, as well as heir to the throne Prince Charles on March 25. Meanwhile, there are complaints that not everyone is taking social distancing seriously.
Image: picture-alliance/R. Pinney
Grim milestone for the US
On March 27 the US overtakes China in terms of the number of people infected, making it the country with the most cases of COVID-19. This came as President Donald Trump claimed that the nation would get back to work "pretty quickly." At the same time, it emerged that more than 3 million Americans had lost their jobs due to the pandemic. New York is worst-hit, with a hospital ship sent to help out.
Image: picture-alliance/Photoshot/J. Fischer
Spain's surging death toll
Spain also overtakes China in the number of COVID-19 cases on March 30, as the government toughens the severity of its lockdown. All non-essential activities are halted. Only Italy has a higher death toll than Spain. Most affected is the capital, Madrid. With funeral services overwhelmed, officials turn the Palacio de Hielo ice skating rink into a temporary morgue.
Image: picture-alliance/Geisler-Fotopress
More than a million
On April 2nd the Johns Hopkins University announced on Thursday that there were more than a million confirmed coronavirus cases around the world. The US is the most affected with three times the number than China, where the virus emerged in December. Over 50.000 people have died — and the outlook remains grim.
Image: Reuters/J. Redmond
UK PM Boris Johnson hospitalized
The 55-year-old was admitted to the intensive care unit at London's St Thomas hospital on Monday evening (6.4.) and was given oxygen treatment after his condition worsened. He had been diagnosed with COVID-19 on March 27.