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White House restores CNN reporter's credentials

November 20, 2018

The Trump administration instituted new rules for press conferences after restoring the press credentials of reporter Jim Acosta. CNN have said their lawsuit against the White House is no longer necessary.

CNN reporter Jim Acosta
Image: Getty Images/AFP/M. Ngan

CNN reporter Jim Acosta had his press credentials restored on Monday, ending a legal battle that has so far gone against the Trump administration.

Acosta had his White House pass taken away earlier this month after a contentious news conference with US President Donald Trump.

Acosta: 'Throughout all of this, I was confident'


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Sarah Sanders, the press secretary for the White House, confirmed the restoration in a statement but said journalists who ignored new rules for press conferences could have their credentials revoked.

"A journalist called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yield the floor to other journalists," Sanders said, adding a follow-up question may be permitted at Trump's discretion.

CNN, who had challenged the White House's actions in court, have dropped their lawsuit against the Trump administration, saying it was no longer necessary.

dv/rt (AP, Reuters)

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