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Will CERN Build a Gigantic new Supercollider?

November 22, 2024

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) wants to build a particle accelerator 3 times the size of the LHC.

Tomorrow Today - CERN
Image: Cern

In 2012, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced the discovery of the Higgs’ boson – a particle physics sensation. If built, an even bigger particle accelerator could address questions surrounding mysterious ‘dark matter’.


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Image: DW

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Image: Institute of Human Origins/Arizona State University

Dream job archaeologist: Treasure hunt, adventure, hard work

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Image: Reuters/A. Cohen

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Image: ESO

Why is our home galaxy called the Milky Way?

The name for our galaxy comes from the ancient Greek words for ‘milk’ or ‘milky’. They could only see it as a bright band of light in the night sky. This Tomorrow Today viewer question comes from Daniele M. in Bulgaria.



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