A national commission has laid out a number of steps to help Germany meet EU emissions targets. Though desperately needed, they will face resistance from citizens and the country's influential auto industry.
Image: picture alliance/dpa/J. Stratenschulte
The German government tasked a commission known as the National Platform on the Future of Mobility with finding ways to lower the country's carbon emissions in order to meet EU targets.
Although a final report is not due to be published until late March, draft proposals seen by news agencies on Friday are likely to face fierce resistance from citizens, industryand politicians fearful of angering any of them.
Among the proposals featured in the paper were a fuel tax hike from 2023 onward, an end to tax breaks for diesel cars, electric and hybrid vehicle quotas, and a 130 kmh (80 mph) speed limit on freeways — which is the norm in other EU countries.
Speaking of the concept of limiting how fast Germans can drive on their famously speedy autobahns would seem a non-starter, and that point was made by Ulrich Lange, deputy chairman of Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU/CSU parliamentary group, "I don't think the suggestion of a speed limit is expedient."
Commission members complained that the publication of their working paper misrepresented an early phase of their work and had been made public in a sensationalized manner lacking proper context.
Aware of the unpopularity of such suggestions, the commission noted: "Not every instrument and every measure will be accepted. It will take political deftness, diplomatic skill and a willingness to compromise to achieve the climate change goals."
The Federal Ministry of Transport was quick to point out that the report represented "initial brainstorming" and that none of the measures had been "discussed, agreed to, or passed."
Germany could face hefty EU fines if it fails to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, and observers see the transport sector, alongside energy and housing, as a key to meeting emissions reduction targets.
Going Electric: road trip through Germany 1
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Transport emissions on the rise
Transport emissions in the country have not gone down since 1990. Instead, they have been going up due to increased overall car sales as well as that of more powerful sports cars and larger SUVs. Germany's Federal Statistical Office said that in 2017 automobile traffic was responsible for 115 million tons of CO2 emissions — 6.4 percent more than in 2010.
Beyond environmental groups, the commission is stacked with a number of members representing the rail, metal and automobile industries as well as automaker Volkswagen.
The issues of speed limits and fuel tax hikes are highly unpopular in Germany — not least due to the work of the country's powerful automobile lobby — and reactions to Friday's publication of the working paper were swift.
Frank Sitta from the business-friendly Free Democratic Party (FDP), for instance, was livid: "After the ridiculous diesel bans, now they want a speed limit, quotas on electric vehicles and fuel tax hikes. That will just make mobility in Germany even more expensive."
More than speed limits
Beyond its suggestions for cutting automobile emissions the commission's paper underscores the necessity of strengthening public transport, as well as facilitating bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
Commenting on the lack of progress Germany has made in changing its approach to environmentally sustainable mobility, Greenpeace transport expert Tobias Astrup decried the fact that, "We have made absolutely no headway in terms of climate protection and transport since 1990."
How to navigate the German Autobahn
Germany is famous the world over not just for its cars, but also for its highways. Here are some tips before you put the pedal to the metal.
Image: Getty Images/S. Gallup
The sky's the limit
The only country in the European Union without a general speed limit on many parts of its highways, Germany has an excellent network of motorways. They are generally well-maintained, inviting you to explore them. The minimum age for obtaining a learner's license with a legal guardian present in the car in Germany is 17. An unrestricted car driver's license can be obtained at age 18.
Image: Imago/Horst Galuschka
Not a Nazi invention
The A555 between Cologne and Bonn was Germany's first "intersection-free motor road." Konrad Adenauer, mayor of Cologne and subsequent West German chancellor, officially opened the first section in August 1932 — clearly negating the frequent assumption that the Autobahn was a Nazi invention, as the Nazis didn't come to power until the following year.
Image: dpa/picture-alliance
Bracing yourself
According to statistics by ADAC, Germany's national automobile association, German roads experienced a record 745,000 traffic jams in 2018, due to more cars on the highway and increased construction sites. The number of traffic jams haven't been quite as high since the COVID pandemic started, as many people continued to work from home.
Image: Getty Images/S. Gallup
Even when you think you're soaring down the Autobahn, you may get the distinct impression it's still not fast enough. Some German drivers may drive right up behind you and try to "push" you over. They may even flash their headlights to rattle your nerves. You aren't supposed to block the "fast" lane — the aim being to only use it for passing. But pushy drivers may still try to bully you!
Image: Marcus Führer/dpa/picture alliance
Smile for the camera!
Watch out for speed cameras! They are used widely in Germany, from the Autobahn to inner-city areas. The box-shaped devices are installed next to the road, and could catch you unawares. Should you be speeding, a ticket will be sent to your home, complete with a picture of you at the wheel and your license plate number. Sometimes, cars on the side of the road will record your speeding offense.
Image: Horst Galuschka/dpa/picture alliance
Cell phones a no-no
Holding a cell phone in your hand while driving is an absolute no-no. If caught, you could be fined and get penalty points against your driver's license. Penalties spike up if you cause an accident, and you could have your license revoked. Investing in a hands-free car kit is smarter. Penalties also apply to cyclists using their cell phones.
Image: Christin Klose/dpa/picture alliance
Make way for help
The same thing goes for not making way for emergency vehicles. Once traffic jams up, you are required to create a lane for ambulances and police to get through. If not, you block the emergency space, and you could be fined and get points against your license. The emergency lane is always between the far left and the rest of the lanes.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/J. Stratenschulte
Be on the alert
You are also required to set up a warning signal should you break down or have an accident. This means placing an orange metal triangle on the road, donning a fluorescent jacket, both of which you must have in your car. You must also have a first-aid kit stored in your vehicle, and since February 2023, the kits must contain two surgical masks.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/F. Gentsch
Driving under the influence
In Germany, there's zero alcohol tolerance for beginners, those under 21, as well as for professional drivers. There's a 0.05% blood alcohol content (BAC) limit to driving under the influence. Penalties start at a €500 ($623) fine, points against your license, license suspension, or worse depending on the alcohol level in your blood. Limits also apply to cyclists. Best bet: Don't drink and drive!
Image: Gero Breloer/dpa/picture alliance
Snow tires
Snow tires are required once streets become slick with slush, ice or snow. In Germany, the rule of thumb is that this can occur anytime between October and Easter. Should you not have snow tires installed on your car and still drive on slippery streets, you could be fined and have points taken off your license. Without proper snow tires, your insurance may also not cover an accident.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/F. Kästle
A relaxed approach
To navigate both the German Autobahn and city streets, the best approach is a zen one: take your time and don't let yourself get frazzled. Besides, with an expansive train and public transportation system in the country, you might not even want to hop into your car, but board a train and put up your feet!