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Sinti i Romowie w tajnym rejestrze szwedziej policji [WIDEO]

DW15 listopada 2013

Szwedzki dziennik wykrył, że szwedzka policja przechowuje tajne registry z nazwiskami około 5000 Sinti i Romów, uznawanych rzekomo za kriminalistów. Dziwne tylko, że na liście znalazły się także małych dzieci.

Roma children stand in their camp on October 1, 2013 in Roubaix, northern France. French Minister Manuel Valls has been publicly criticised by three cabinet colleagues for claiming that most Roma in France will never integrate and should be sent back to their countries of origin and for backing a controversial policy of dismantling illegal Roma encampments and deporting their residents. French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on October 1 considered at the National Assembly there was "no reason to exacerbate" the Roma question and judged possible the "intergration" of this people as long as they respect "the laws of the Republic". AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE HUGUEN (Photo credit should read PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP/Getty Images)
Symbolbild Roma in EuropaZdjęcie: Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images

Sinti i Romowie w tajnym rejestrze szwedziej policji [WIDEO]


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