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Pčela-robot bruji i zuji

4. avgust 2013.

Ona bruji i zuji poput pčele, ali zapravo je maleni robot. Dvanaest godina je naučnicima bilo potrebno da razviju 'veštačku pčelu', koja je sada naučila i da leti, barem na trenutak.

###ACHTUNG! NUR ZUR BERICHTERSTATTUNG ÜBER ROBOBEE VERWENDEN### Description Several RoboBees on the ground with one in the air, next to a 19mm-diameter United States penny Source http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/content/2013/0502/0502-harvard-robobee/15694205-1-eng-US/0502-harvard-robobee_full_600.jpg (Taken by Kevin Ma & Pakpong Chirarattananon, graduate students working on the RoboBees project) Article RoboBee Portion used all Low resolution? Resolution used is only high enough to make the details of the image clear Purpose of use One of the main questions people have when reading the article is what does this robot look like. A textual description is inadequate for this purpose Replaceable? The image is of an experimental prototype and therefore the material is not accessible by the public for further photos Other information The robot's designers intend to spread knowledge of their work; ; a photograph of it in action does not impact their ability to sell future copies of the actual robot. Copyrighted This is a copyrighted image that has been released by a company or organization to promote their work or product in the media, such as advertising material or a promotional photo in a press kit. The copyright for it is most likely owned by the company who created the promotional item or the artist who produced the item in question; you must provide evidence of such ownership. Lack of such evidence is grounds for deletion. It is believed that the use of some images of promotional material to illustrate: the person(s), product, event, or subject in question; where the image is unrepeatable, i.e. a free image could not be created to replace it; on the English-language Wikipedia, hosted on servers in the United States by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation; qualifies as fair use under United States copyright law. Any other usage of this image, on Wikipedia or elsewhere, might be copyright infringement. See Wikipedia:Non-free content and Wikipedia:Publicity photos. Additionally, the copyright holder may have granted permission for use in works such as Wikipedia. However, if they have, this permission likely does not fall under a free license. Please note that our policy usually considers fair use images of living people that merely show what they look like to be replaceable by free-licensed images and unsuitable for the project. If this is not the case for this image, a rationale must be provided proving that the image provides information beyond simple identification or showing that this image is difficult to replace by a free-licensed equivalent. Commercial third-party reusers of this image should consider whether their use is in violation of the subject's publicity rights.
Foto: Kevin Ma/Pakpong Chirarattananon

Pčela-robot je sićušna, tek nešto veća od kovanice od jednog centa i teška 80 miligrama - baš kao i prava pčela, ona iz prirode, koja je uzor ovom robotu. Istraživači s američkog univerziteta Harvard skoro dvanaest godina su radili na ovom robotu, pre nego što je prvi put nakratko poleteo.

"Morali smo sami da razvijemo sve komponente", objašnjava inženjer Robert J. Vud taj naporan "put u vazduh". Takve sićušne delove su izradili prvi put.

Tehnološki zahtevna kopija sve se više približava svom uzoru iz prirode: dva keramička krila izvrše 120 pokreta u sekundi - baš kao i ona pravih pčela. Samo što se pčela-robot sastoji od sitnih plastičnih zglobova i tela od ugljeničnih vlakana.

Robot-pčela još uvek nije savršena

Međutim, ovaj visokotehnološki projekat istraživača nije samo nekakva studija o izvodljivosti. Ta bi životinjica jednom trebalo da ima i praktičnu svrhu i da se koristi u vazduhu: na primer tokom potraga, spasilačkih akcija ili za oprašivanje u poljoprivredi.

Bildergalerie Zivile Drohnen BieneFoto: picture-alliance/dpa

Cilj istraživača je da za takve potrebe razviju veštački insekt koji može potpuno samostalno da leti. Od toga pčela-robot nije daleko: osam spoljnih kamera posmatraju malog robota u letu i svaki pokret šalju na računar koji na kraju preuzima upravljanje.

Do sada pčeli-robotu nije uspelo da se dugo zadrži u vazduhu: već nakon 15 minuta počinje da pada. Vud to objašnjava time da je zamor materijala velik, a takođe postoji i problem snabdevanja energijom. Iako se to na snimku jedva vidi, mini-pčela se još uvek energijom napaja putem tankog kabla. Relativno mala baterija s kojom bi pčela mogla da leti, još ne postoji. U iduće dve godine, naučnici žele da u nekoliko poteza reše najveće probleme mini-robota. Tada će pčela-robot, kako se nadaju, moći slobodno da leti.

Autorke: Hana Fuhs / Tihana Lohinski

Odg. urednica: Ivana Ivanović