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Pesmom protiv krize: German Garcia Lillo

Vera Freitag, Ruth Krause11. novembar 2013.

Za njihovu muziku bi se moglo reći da je mešavina zvuka tipičnog za “road” filmove i ljubavnih pesama. U suštini, pesme ovog benda govore o protestu sa veoma jasnom porukom, koja pokreće mase ljudi u Španiji.

Foto: Marina Salmerón Román

Germán García Lillo je zapravo student prava iz Valensije. “Svet se pokreće” (The World Is Moving) naziv je pesme ovog mladog autora iz Španije. “Svet je u pokretu i tako će biti i ubuduće. Zato je važno da se i mi, poput sveta koji nas okružuje, nađemo u pokretu i borimo se za ono u šta verujemo”, kaže 21-godišnji kantautor.Ovom pesmom, Lilo na sebi svojstven način pruža podršku onima koji su rešili nešto u Španiji da promene. Posebno se to odnosi na pokret 15-M, koji se protivi merama štednje Vlade u Madridu, zbog kojih su mnogi odlučili da izađu na ulice.

Zajedno sa svojim prijateljima, German Garsija Lilo snimio je ovu pesmu, koja se može preuzeti i sa internet stranice španskog protestnog pokreta 15-M.

Lilo kaže kako mu cilj nije bio da napravi pesmu isključivo iz protesta, već i “da pruži malo nade u pravedniji sistem, sa više demokratije i solidarnosti.”

"El mundo se mueve" (The World Is Moving)

Soundtrack: Španija

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Although there seems to be only one way, I'll take another
I dont want to follow it, the end is very dark
There are other paths to freedom
We are the sheep who are willing to be led
By the ambidextrous wolves who want to help us
Mortgage our dreams in exchange for nothing
Corruption, theft, fraud
Destruction, death, carnage
Repression, unfounded fear
Intransigent society
Governments without solutions
Greed corrupts them
Going from bad to worse
That's how this country works
Why do we allow it to work this way?
Oh oh o oh
The world is moving
Move yourself too
Spanish revolution
Is working for the change
Because tonight the sun is going to rise
Over Madrid
Solutions and solidarity
Only the people should govern
Women and men, together we can achieve, without violence
Real democracy
Oh oh o oh
The world is moving
Move yourself too
Oh oh oh
Spanish revolution
Is working for the change
Because tonight the sun is going to rise
Over Madrid