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Matokeo ya urais DRC yanatarajiwa kutolewa leo

8 Desemba 2011

Kimekuwa na wasiwasi wa hali ya juu nchini Jamhuri ya Kidemocracy ya Congo, wakati wapiga kura wakisubiri matokeo yaliyochelewa ya uchaguzi wa urais wa wiki iliyopita.

epa03018039 A voter signs a document by a lamp light at a polling station after having a power outage at a polling staiton in the capital Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, 28 November 2011. Voting began despite concern of delay and violence while may voters complained of missing their names on the voters' list, late opening of polling stations and missing ballot papers. Seventy eight-year-old top opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi of Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) and Vital Kamerhe, a former UDPS member, are among many others who are challenging incumbent Joseph Kabila in the country's second election since the end of a bloody civil war in 2003. Election-related violence has already broken out in parts of the country and many predict that post-election violence is almost certain, if incumbent president declares victory. EPA/DAI KUROKAWA +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
mpiga kura DRCPicha: picture-alliance/dpa

Polisi wamejiandaa kikamilifu na kiasi cha wanajeshi 20,000 wamejiweka tayari katika mji wa Kinshasa, eneo ambalo jana wafuasi wa upinzani wameonekana wakiwarushiwa mawe polisi na wao kujibu kwa mabomu ya kutoa machozi. Rais wa sasa Joseph Kabila amepata asilimia 49 ya kura, kwa mujibu wa asilimia 89 ya vituo vya kupigia kura. Kiongozi wa Upinzani Etienne Tshisekedi anafuatia kwa kura asilimia 33. Kuchelewa kwa vifaa kumesababisha maafisa kuongeza muda wa kumtangaza mshindi kwa masaa 48 zaidi ya muda wa kikatiba wa rais Kabila kuwepo madarakani. Matokeo ya mwisho yanatarajiwa kutolewa hii leo.

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