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Washington Robert Chiula, Afrika Kusini

23 Mei 2013

Fundi huyo mwashi mwenye umri wa miaka 33 anaishi mjini Johannesburg na anausifu Umoja wa Afrika kwa sababu kila siku anajionea kinachofanywa na jumuia hiyo.

Die Aufnahmen stammen von Thuso Khumalo, Korrespondent der Redaktion Englisch für Afrika. Aufnahmeort: Johannesburg, Südafrika. Sie zeigen den Maurer Washington Robert Chiula. Zulieferer: Friederike Müller I applaud African Union a lot because it is the one which fought colonialisation here in Africa. Here in South Africa it ended the apartheid. During apartheid time I could not choose a job, I could not walk in some of the streets, I could not buy in same shops with whites, I could not share a toilet with them, I could not even own a house or a car, but now, I can now own a house, I can now own a car. My children can go to any school which they want and right now I can also own my on business whereby I gonna employ even a white person. I’m now free to vote for any government which I want, either parliamentary or a president I can choose at my own, so there is a lot of things which have changed just because of African Union.
50 Jahre Afrikanische UnionPicha: Thuso Khumalo

"Ninaushangiria Umoja wa Afrika: Umepambana dhidi ya ukoloni na hapa nchini Afrika ya Kusini umeutokomeza utawala wa ubaguzi wa rangi na mtengano. Katika enzi za ubaguzi wa rangi na mtengano sikuwa na ruhusa mie ya kuchagua kazi nnayotaka kufanya, baadhi ya njia nilikuwa siruhusiwi kupita - sikuwa na ruhusa ya kumiliki nyumba wala gari. Hivi sasa vyote hivyo nnaweza kuwa navyo. Watoto wangu wanakwenda shule waitakayo. Nina kampuni yangu mwenyewe na ninaweza kuwaajiri hata wafanyakazi wenye asili ya Kizungu."

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