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Jordanians and Palestinians chant slogans and wave Muslim Brotherhood flags during a demonstration in the Jordanian capital Amman against Israel's deadly assault on the Gaza Strip March 2, 2008. More than 5,000 demonstrators marched peacefully from the headquarters of the Islamist-dominated trade unions to the parliament building in the city centre to protest Israel's deadly assault on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. AFP PHOTO/AWAD AWAD (Photo credit should read AWAD AWAD/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Awad Awad/AFP/Getty Images


埃及一家上訴法院裁定關於禁止伊斯蘭穆斯林兄弟會的判決有效。首都開羅的司法圈內人士證實了這一消息。對該項裁定還可提出上訴。9月23日,開羅一家法院裁決穆兄會為非法,其財產應被沒收。禁止穆兄會案是在左翼政黨「全國進步工會黨」 (Tagammu)的推動下實現的。該黨指控穆兄會危及國家安全。具泛阿拉伯主義傾向的穆兄會在前總統穆巴拉克垮台後舉行的首次自由選舉中獲勝,穆兄會出身的穆爾西成為埃及歷史上首位民選總統,但埃及局勢並未因此趨穩。今年7月3日,穆爾西被軍方罷黜,穆兄會的幾乎整個領導層成員及數千名中下層官員被捕。本周一,針對穆爾西的審判案開庭。穆爾西受到指控,煽動殺害示威民眾。

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