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epa03445809 EU commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstroem arrives prior the EU Luxembourg Justice and Home Affairs council at the EU Headquarters in Luxembourg, 25 october 2012. European Union ministers were pushing Thursday to end the right of citizens of western Balkan states to freely enter the EU's visa-free Schengen bloc, saying unfounded asylum claims from those countries were clogging up the system. EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said abuse of the asylum system had been 'increasing considerably' since Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia were granted visa-free travel to the Schengen area. EPA/NICOLAS BOUVY
EU-Innenministerrat圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


德國以及其他47個國家希望在打擊互連網兒童色情內容方面有所進展。各國於本周三(12月5日)在布魯塞爾宣佈成立聯盟組織,併發表聯合聲明。聲明規定,簽署國從現在開始有義務採取更加嚴厲的手段追捕犯罪人員、查清受害者身份並為其提供幫助。歐盟內政事務專員馬爾姆施特隆姆(Cecilia Malmström )指出:"每一個畫面後都是一個被褻瀆的孩子,一個被剝削殆盡,無助的受害者。"她透露,保守估計,目前網路上有大約100萬張兒童色情圖片。每年新上載的圖片數目約為5萬張。打擊網路兒童色情內容的難度在於需要各國的聯合協作。例如許多內容都存放在位於美國的伺服器中。專家估計,也有許多與此相關內容的存放地點是中國。但中國和俄羅斯都不屬於該項聯合聲明的簽署國。

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