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Female Chinese workers make clothings to be exported to the United States and Europe at a garment factory in Huaibei city, east Chinas Anhui province, 10 November 2010. Chinas consumer price index (CPI), the countrys gauge for inflation, rose 4.4% in October from a year earlier, accelerating from Septembers 3.6% rise, government data showed Thursday (11 November 2010). The producer price index, a gauge of factory-gate prices, rose 5.0% in October from a year earlier, higher than Septembers 4.3% rise and above the median 4.6% rise economists had expected. The CPI rose 3.0% the January-October period from a year earlier, and the PPI rose 5.5%.
圖片來源: picture alliance / Xie zhengyi - Imaginechina



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