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Two Chinese surveillance ships which sailed between a Philippines warship and eight Chinese fishing boats to prevent the arrest of Chinese fishermen in the Scarborough Shoal, a small group of rocky formations whose sovereignty is contested by the Philippines and China, about 124 nautical miles off the Philippine island of Luzon, are seen in the South China Sea in this April 10, 2012 file photo. China withdrew one of three ships engaged in a standoff with Philippines vessels in a disputed area of the South China Sea on April 13, 2012 as both sides pursued talks to defuse the dispute. REUTERS/Philippine Army Handout/Files (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY MARITIME) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
圖片來源: Reuters


據美聯社報導,在同菲律賓圍繞黃海主權爭議不斷的背景下,中國本周三將啟動該國在深水油氣勘探開發領域的首次鑽探作業。據官方的新華社周二(5月8日)報導,開鑽水域距香港東南320公里處,開鑽深度1500米。相關鑽井平台所處位置雖不在中菲主權爭議水域內,但位於中方所稱的黃岩島(國際上稱為斯卡波勒礁-Scarborough Shoal)東南方向。從上月以來,中菲兩國船艦一直在相關海域保持對峙局面。中國外交部網站今天報導說,外交部副部長傅瑩昨天曾約見菲律賓駐華使館臨時代辦蔡福炯(Alex Chua),就黃岩島事件向菲方提出「嚴正交涉」。傅瑩重申,黃岩島是中國固有領土,希望菲方不要誤判形勢,不計後果激化事態。傅瑩稱,中方對形勢難以樂觀,已做好應對菲方擴大事態的準備。