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ARIEL, WEST BANK - DECEMBER 04: (ISRAEL OUT) New housing under construction on December 4, 2012 in the West Bank Jewish settlement of Ariel. Israel plans to build 3,000 new settler homes in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, , a move that has prompted wide-spread, international objections. Palestinians claim the plans, authorised a day after the UN upgraded the status of the Palestinians to non-member observer state, will bisect the West Bank and cut any future state in half. (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)
Siedlungsbau Israel圖片來源: Getty Images


以色列繼續推動在東耶路撒冷地區修建定居點的計劃。據獨立機構"塵世的耶路撒冷"(Terrestrial Jerusalem)發布的消息,以色列政府已經批准在東耶路撒冷的基法哈馬托斯(Givat Hamatos)修建2600套民居。巴勒斯坦調停者沙塔耶(Mohammed Schtajeh)威脅要將此事訴諸國際法庭。自從聯合國大會於今年11月底給予巴勒斯坦觀察員國身份之後,以色列就重新開始致力於在有爭議的巴勒斯坦地區修建定居點。本周一(12月17日),以色列內政部剛剛批准通過了在東耶路撒冷拉馬希洛摩(Ramat Shlomo)地區興建1500套民居的計劃。

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