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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (2nd L), EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton (C), and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (2nd R) attend the third day of closed-door nuclear talks at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva November 9, 2013. France warned of serious stumbling blocks to a long-sought deal on Iran's nuclear programme as foreign ministers from Tehran and six world powers extended high-stakes negotiations into a third day on Saturday to end a decade-old standoff. REUTERS/Jean-Christophe Bott/Pool (SWITZERLAND - Tags: POLITICS ENERGY)
談判桌旁:克裡、阿什頓及扎裡夫(右二)圖片來源: Reuters/Jean-Christophe Bott


在日內瓦舉行的有關伊朗核計劃的"5+1"談判周日凌晨結束,會議未能達成一致。參加談判的除了5個聯合國安理會常任理事國以及德國的外長,還有歐盟外交與安全高級專員阿什頓以及伊朗外長扎裡夫( Mohammed Dschawad Sarif)。本次會晤的主題是放鬆對伊朗的國際制裁,而伊朗為此必須限制其利用核能的活動。伊朗總統魯哈尼(Hassan Rohani)在議會強調,濃縮鈾是該國的權利,按照國際法利用核能是談判不可踰越的"紅線"。周四談判開始前,許多人對達成一致曾抱樂觀態度。下一輪談判將於11月20日舉行。

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