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(FILES) The flag of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) flies in front of the UN seat in Vienna, Austria, November 2004. Iran has tripled its capacity to enrich uranium to elevated levels, the United Nations nuclear watchdog said in a report on Friday, February 24, 2012. Iran's enrichment of uranium up to 20 per cent has caused concern in the West because it is theoretically much easier to turn such material into bomb-grade material than uranium enriched at below 5 per cent. EPA/ROLAND SCHLAGER +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Fahne Logo IAEO IAEA圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


伊朗宣佈將於5月13日到14日在維也納與國際原子能機構(IAEA)進行會談。伊朗駐該機構特使蘇丹尼耶(Ali-Asgar Soltanieh)周六向伊朗國家通訊社表示,德黑蘭有意與國際原子能機構合作,證明某些針對伊朗的指責是毫無根據的。西方國家擔心伊朗會利用其濃縮鈾的技術來製造核彈。5月23日,伊朗核問題國際談判將在伊拉克首都巴格達繼續進行,參與國家包括所謂的5+1集團,即聯合國安理會五個常任理事國加上德國。

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