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epa03837850 The convoy of UN inspectors is seen leaving the Four Seasons hotel in Damascus, Syria, 26 August 2013. UN weapons experts set out from Damascus to Eastern Ghouta, the area on the outskirts of the Syrian capital, where chemical weapons were allegedly used and over which West has warned of consequences for the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. The opposition said the 21 August bombardment by government forces using a poisonous gas left 1,300 people dead. The government has vehemently denied the claim. EPA/STR +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ ***FREI FÜR SOCIAL MEDIA***
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


俄羅斯政府稱,聯合國化武核查員將於本周三(9月24日)再度前往敘利亞,實施新的核查任務。據俄羅斯通訊社周二報導,該國副外長亞布科夫(Sergej Rjabkow)表示,聯合國方面聽取了俄方堅持要求聯合國專家重返敘利亞的意見,俄羅斯政府對此感到高興。俄羅斯是敘利亞的密切盟友。亞布科夫承認,在敘利亞問題上,俄羅斯和美國之間的合作中困難重重。他稱,美國極力敦促安理會,通過以聯合國憲章第7條為基礎的決議,威脅對敘利亞使用武力,而敘利亞領導人則表現出了良好的願望。

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