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A handout photograph of Hiroshima A-bomb Dome photographed by U.S. military following atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima that killed over 140,000 people on 06 August 1945. The building, originally Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, was just160 meters northwest of the hypocenter. The skeletal structure of the dome standing above the cities ruins was a conspicuous landmark and has now became known officially as the A-bomb Dome. 06 August 2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the Hiroshima A-bomb blast. Image courtesy of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Image courtesy of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. +++(c) dpa - Report+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

美國國務卿克裡和國防部長哈格爾周四在東京一個公墓向二戰中戰死的士兵和遇難的平民敬獻花圈。美國官方稱,兩名政治家有意選擇了日本皇宮附近的千島淵國家公墓(Chidori ga Fuchi)而不是富有爭議的靖國神社。靖國神社除了供奉25萬戰死的日本軍人外,還供奉著14位日本二戰甲級戰犯的牌位。被視為「鷹派」的日本首相安倍晉三曾在5月訪美時強調,他認為靖國神社是日本的國家公墓。尤其是中國和韓國認為靖國神社是對日本歷史最黑暗的篇章予以美化,是日本軍國主義的象徵。今年8月,日本三名部長以及約100名議員參拜靖國神社,招致中韓兩國強烈譴責。安倍在今年8月15日「日本投降紀念日」的講話中沒有對日本的戰爭政策表示任何悔過。

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