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G8 Foreign Ministers and members of their teams, Russian Foreign Minister Segei Lavrov (2L), British Foreign Secretary William Hague (C), US Secretary of State John Kerry (5L), French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius (2R) and Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird (R) attend the opening session of the G8 Foreign Ministers meeting at Lancaster House in London on April 11, 2013. G8 Foreign Ministers will be discussing the situation in Syria, the spiralling North Korean nuclear crisis and Iran's atomic ambitions at their meeting, a prelude to the annual Group of Eight leaders' summit later this year in Northern Ireland. AFP PHOTO / POOL / PETER MACDIARMID (Photo credit should read PETER MACDIARMID/AFP/Getty Images)
G8 Außenminister Treffen in London 11.04.2013圖片來源: Peter Macdiarmid/AFP/Getty Images


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