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A conservative New Democracy supporter points at a television screen showing the exit polls in the main New Democracy campaign center in Athens' Syntagma square June 17, 2012. A joint exit poll by five pollsters, published as voting closed on Sunday, showed New Democracy taking between 27.5 percent and 30.5 percent of the vote. SYRIZA was essentially level with 27-30 percent, followed by the PASOK Socialists taking 10-12 percent of the vote. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol (GREECE - Tags: ELECTIONS POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters


法新社消息,周日(6月17日)希臘議會選舉投票結束後,根據目前希臘電視台的一個預測顯示,希臘保守派新民主黨和左派政黨聯盟的得票率幾乎不分伯仲。另據投票站出口的民調顯示,保守的新民主黨支持率在27.5%到30.5%。緊隨其後的是左派政黨聯盟,其支持率為27%到30%。希臘新納粹政黨「金色黎明」(Chryssi Avgi )的支持率在6.0%到7.5%,這樣該黨有望再次進入議會。此次議會選舉的投票結果將影響歐元區的未來,及希臘是否會繼續留在歐元區的問題。

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