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CIA Director David Petraeus speaks to members of a Senate (Select) Intelligence hearing on "World Wide Threats" on Capitol Hill in Washington in this January 31, 2012 file photo. President Barack Obama on November 9, 2012 accepted the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus, praised him as as one of the most outstanding generals of his generation and expressed confidence that the intelligence agency would continue to thrive. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/Files (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS HEADSHOT)
David Petraeus 09.11.2012圖片來源: Reuters


因陷入性醜聞辭職的美國中央情報局局長彼得雷烏斯(David Petraeus)開始在美國國會發表陳述。陳述的內容與美國在利比亞班加西領事館受襲擊的背景有關。美國駐利比亞大使在襲擊中喪生。目前,美國兩院的情報委員會希望調查清楚情報機關當時都掌握了怎樣的訊息,又採取了怎樣的措施防止襲擊事件發生。彼得雷烏斯因陷入和其傳記作者勞德維爾(Paula Broadwell)有婚外情的風波而引咎辭職。美國中央情報局已經對其發起了內部調查,同時美國聯邦警察局FBI和國防部也都啟動了相應的調查。相關調查的重點是,彼得雷烏斯是否向勞德維爾透露了機密訊息。兩人目前都對此矢口否認。

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