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South Korean security guards keep watch as South Korean trucks return to South Korea's CIQ (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine) after they were banned from entering the Kaesong industrial complex in North Korea, just south of the demilitarised zone separating the two Koreas, in Paju, north of Seoul, April 3, 2013. North Korean authorities were not allowing any South Korean workers into a joint industrial park on Wednesday, South Korea's Unification Ministry and a Reuters witness said, adding to tensions between the two countries. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS TRANSPORT BUSINESS)
Nordkorea Kaesong Blockade Lastwagen Grenze圖片來源: Reuters

北韓周三宣佈,禁止韓國工人進入位於北韓南部的開城工業園區。韓聯社報導稱,北韓目前只允許之前逗留在工業園區的韓國人出境。位於首爾的統一部證實,來自韓國的工作人員正等待北韓方面准許其進入工業園區。鑑於北韓發出的威脅,美國國務卿克裡(John Kerry)強調美方已經做好了自衛的準備。克裡與韓國外長尹炳世在華盛頓會晤後表示,美國已經做好了保衛自己以及韓國的準備。他指出,北韓的戰爭言論具有挑釁性和危險性。針對北韓日前宣佈將重啟於2007年關閉的一座核反應堆,克裡表示,北韓這一計劃將明確違反國際協議。

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