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epa03646571 A handout photo made available 01 April 2013, by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency KCNA, showing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un speaking during a plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea in Pyongyang on 31 March 2013. South Korea's president told the military 01 April 2013 to respond powerfully to North Korean provocations, amid heightened tensions on the peninsula, reports said. Park Guen Hye said she took recent threats from North Korea 'very seriously,' Yonhap News Agency reported. Pyongyang last month declared invalid the 1953 non-aggression treaty, cut two military hotlines, and announced at the weekend that it considered itself in a state of war with the South. EPA/KCNA / HANDOUT SOUTH KOREA OUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Nordkorea Kim Jong-un Plenarsitzung in Pyongyang圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

北韓最高人民會議常任委員會委員長、名義上的國家元首金永南與正在該國訪問的蒙古總統額勒貝格道爾吉(Tsachiagiin Elbegdordsch)出席簽字儀式。額勒貝格道爾吉是金正恩(資料圖片)掌權之後首位正式訪問平壤的外國國家元首,但並沒有有關金正恩本人與額勒貝格道爾吉會面的報導。

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