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An Indian policeman watches Kashmiri demonstrators shouting slogans as they block a highway during a protest against electricity shortages in Srinagar on January 8, 2013. Kashmir Valley continued to reel under intense cold with temperatures plummeting further as Srinagar recorded the season's lowest of minus 5.5 degrees Celsius. AFP PHOTO/ Rouf BHAT (Photo credit should read ROUF BHAT/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images


核國家印度和巴基斯坦圍繞克什米爾分界線遭侵犯的爭議加劇。新德里政府周三(1月9日)稱巴基斯坦方面日前的武裝襲擊是「挑釁」。根據印度軍方提供的數字,此次襲擊導致2名印度士兵喪生。印度外長庫爾希德(Salman Kurshid)在印度新聞電視台上稱,事件「令人發指」,印方將向巴方表明,這樣的行為「不能令人接受」。巴基斯坦方面上周日則指控印方發動攻擊,打死一名巴基斯坦士兵。