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epa03193229 A tilt lens photograph of exhibits of the latest in car technology from Japanese giant Toyota at Auto China 2012 as manufacturers from around the world vie for a share in what has been in recent years the world's largest auto market in Beijing, China, 23 April 2012. Annual sales growth dropped in 2011 to less than 3 percent after years of more than 20 percent increases. The total number of car sales in China for the year 2011 is reported in local media as 18.5 million with forecasts that the figure will reach 30 million by 2020. EPA/ADRIAN BRADSHAW +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Automesse in Peking China 2012 Publikum Toyota圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

據路透社報導,中國各地最近發生的反日抗議浪潮估計讓日本汽車製造商的銷售額減少2.5億美元。市場研究公司IHS的專家估計,因眾多生產廠家暫時停工,至本周四 ,日本汽車製造商在中國大陸的生產線減產1.4萬輛。目前,豐田和本田宣佈繼續關閉工廠。尼桑則開始恢復在中國大陸的生產。中國是世界最大的汽車銷售市場。豐田、本田和尼桑在中國大陸的銷售額分別佔其總銷售額的11%,18%和27%。

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