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FILE -- An anti-aircraft defense missile C-75 of the type that the Ukrainian military is armed with, is seen on this file photo made during military training in the Ukrainian Crimean peninsula Oct.12, 1999. Ukraine's Defense Ministry continues denying Friday, Oct.5 2001, any of its forces fired a rocket which could have hit the Russian aircraft Thursday, Oct.4. A Russian chartered airliner heading from Tel Aviv to Siberia, exploded in flight and crashed off the coast of the Black Sea with at least 76 people on board. (AP Photo/UNIAN, Andrew Kanyshchev, file)
圖片來源: AP


北約成員土耳其反駁盟國對土耳其決定與中國在新型防空武器系統上合作的批評。土耳其媒體周二(10月1日)報導稱,政府副總理阿林齊(Bülent Arinc)強調,中國給出了最好的價格,並願意共同生產這一武器系統,土耳其政府所關心的只是本國利益,任何第三國都不應干涉。安卡拉方面有意與中國合作開發遠程防空導彈系統。中國軍工企業新近贏得一項總額40億美元的競標。美國等北約盟友對土耳其計劃同中國在該項目上合作提出質疑。此外,土中合作生產的這一防空武器系統有可能難以與北約防空武器系統兼容。另有消息稱,土耳其總統居爾今天強調,土耳其在採用何種防空武器系統的問題上並未作出最後決定。

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