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An anti-government protester raises her fist during a demonstration in central Ankara June 3, 2013. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused anti-government protesters on Monday of walking "arm-in-arm with terrorism", remarks that could further inflame public anger after three days of some of the most violent riots in decades. Hundreds of police and protesters have been injured since Friday in the riots, which began with a demonstration to halt construction in a park in an Istanbul square and grew into mass protests against what opponents call Erdogan's authoritarianism. REUTERS/Umit Bektas (TURKEY - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters


土耳其工會聯合會號召罷工,抗議警方暴力。工會聯合會在其網站上要求公營服務業職工周二(6月4日)午間起罷工,表達要求建立一個民主國家的願望,表達反對伊斯蘭保守主義政黨「正義與發展黨」實行「法西斯主義」的立場。土耳其媒體報導說,將有數十萬人響應號召罷工。另據報導,歐盟議會自由黨團聯盟主席、土耳其事務特別報告員蘭布斯多夫(Alexander Graf Lambsdorff)今天在西德意志電台上對土耳其政府提出批評。這位德國自民黨籍人士強調,土耳其政府對示威民眾的態度不符合歐洲標準。蘭布斯多夫尤其對土耳其總理艾爾多安聲稱「境外勢力」挑動土耳其民眾騷亂表示不滿。

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