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Firefighters seen with burning cars after an explosion near a police station in southern Turkish city of Gaziantep, Turkey, late Monday, Aug. 20, 2012. Turkish media reported at least eight people were killed and dozens were wounded amid an escalation in fighting between Kurdish rebels and Turkish security forces. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast in southeastern Turkey near the Syrian border, where tens of thousands of refugees who have fled the civil war in their country are sheltering in Turkish camps. (AP Photo/IHA) TURKEY OUT
圖片來源: dapd


土耳其同敘利亞接壤地區發生的汽車炸彈襲擊事件死亡人數周二(8月21日)增至9人。土耳其副總理阿塔拉伊(Besir Atalay)對媒體表示,死者中包括3名兒童,另有60多人受傷。爆炸襲擊事件昨晚發生在土耳其南部省份加濟安泰普省(Gaziantep)。一枚汽車炸彈在一個警察站附近爆炸。土耳其當局認定是遭禁的庫爾德工人黨製造了此次襲擊事件。一個時期以來,庫爾德地區衝突重又加劇。

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