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A coastguard vessel manoeuvres after unloading body bags containing African migrants, who drowned trying to reach Italian shores, in the harbour of Lampedusa October 3, 2013. At least 94 people died and scores were missing after a boat carrying migrants from Africa sank off the Sicilian island of Lampedusa on Thursday, officials and rescuers said. The coastguard said it appeared that there were between 400 and 500 migrants on the boat when it sank, and 150 had been saved so far. REUTERS/Enza Billeci (ITALY - Tags: SOCIETY IMMIGRATION DISASTER POLITICS)
Flüchtlingsdrama vor Lampedusa, Italien圖片來源: Reuters


義大利蘭佩杜薩島(Lampedusa )發生難民船沉船事故。根據義大利廣播電台消息,目前溺水而亡的非洲難民人數上升到至少130個。至少有同樣數量的難民失蹤。

這起事件引起了政界和人權組織的關注,併發出對歐盟在對待難民態度上的譴責。德國總統高克在柏林表示,給難民提供保護是法律價值體系的一個重要基礎。德國歐盟議員韋伯(Weber)建議,應在地中海建立歐盟援救體系。聯合國難民署高級專員古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)在日內瓦呼籲,應通過協調一致的國際行動打擊不良人販。

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