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Egypt's chief justice Adly Mansour delivers a speech during his swearing-in ceremony as the country's interim president in the Supreme Constitutional Court. in Cairo on July 4, 2013, a day after the military ousted and detained Mohamed Morsi following days of massive protests. The ceremony, which was broadcast live on national television, came after the military swept aside Morsi on Wednesday, a little more than a year after the Islamist leader took office. AFP PHOTO / KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images


埃及臨時總統曼蘇爾(Adli Mansur)提出修憲和議會選舉時間表。根據曼蘇爾當地時間周一(7月8日)晚間在開羅發布的一項政令,將在半年內舉行提前大選,此前,引起爭議的伊斯蘭主義色彩濃厚的現行憲法將被修改,為此將舉行全民公投。自由派和反對派拒絕這一制定於2012年的憲法。新議會組成後,將舉行下屆總統選舉。在持續發生民眾大規模示威抗議浪潮後,軍方上周解除了來自伊斯蘭陣營的穆爾西總統的職務,任命憲法法院院長曼蘇爾為臨時總統。美國政府昨天表示,儘管民選總統穆爾西被罷黜,美國將繼續對埃及提供軍事和資金援助,既有的相關協議至少暫時會繼續得到實施。

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