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A woman uses an ATM as a man walks outside the Agricultural bank of Greece, also known as ATEBank in central Athens on Friday, July 23, 2010. ATEbank was one of seven of 91 European banks that failed stress tests aimed at measuring their strength in case the continent's government debt crisis takes a turn for the worse, regulators said Friday. (ddp images/AP Photo/Evi Zoupanou)
圖片來源: dapd


德國總理梅克爾所在的基民盟要求聯邦政府同其他歐元區國家一起,共同制定應對希臘退出歐元區戰略。基民盟經濟委員會主席勞克(Kurt Lauk)周一(6月11日)在柏林表示,鑑於雅典財政狀況持續嚴峻,如果不對該國可能退出的前景作準備,就是不負責任。他指出,必須知道,一旦希臘退出,首先將出現一種「希臘亂局」。他指出,必須制定出一種戰略,構築「防火牆」,阻擋來自歐洲南部的「火焰」。

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