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Newly elected Cyprus' President Nicos Anastasiades smiles as he is greeted by supporters as he arrives for a press conference in Nicosia on February 24, 2013. Anastasiades won the presidential election in Cyprus, securing a mandate to negotiate a crucial bailout for the EU state on the brink of bankruptcy. AFP PHOTO/PATRICK BAZ (Photo credit should read PATRICK BAZ/AFP/Getty Images)
塞普勒斯總統強調其國家急需援助圖片來源: Patrick Baz/AFP/Getty Images

塞普勒斯總統阿納斯塔希亞德斯(Anastasiades)駁斥了針對歐盟峰會決定為塞普勒斯提供一攬子援助計劃的指責。他說,在歐元集團會議上,塞普勒斯只有兩個選擇,或者是銀行體系崩潰,或是國家破產。現在所選擇的選項將保證銀行的償付能力和金融領域的數千就業崗位。 歐元區國家同意為瀕臨破產的塞普勒斯提供100億歐元的援助。