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epa03026909 Nigerian police control a street shortly after a bomb blast in a market in Ogbomoshoin area of Kaduna, Nigeria, 07 December 2011. Reports state the early morning explosion in the northern city of Kaduna killed 10 people, including a pregnant woman and two children. A group suspected to be Islamist militants reportedly arrived on motorbikes and threw bombs into the crowded spare parts market. EPA/STR +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


一名身份不明的嫌犯在奈及利亞城市卡杜納一座教堂附近引燃一顆炸彈。奈及利亞媒體報導這一消息。未經證實的初步消息稱,襲擊可能造成近20人死亡。數月來,卡杜納已多次成為伊斯蘭恐怖主義組織"博科聖地(Boko Haram)"血腥襲擊的目標,其中包括去年聖誕節的襲擊。這一極端組織的目標是把基督徒從穆斯林為主的奈及利亞北部驅逐出去。

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