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epa03424611 People queue to cast their vote for the Venezuelan presidential elections in Caracas, Venezuela, 07 October 2012. Polling stations opened 07 October in Venezuela, in an election in which incumbent President Hugo Chavez seeks a further six-year mandate. The left-wing populist Chavez, 58, who has been in power since 1999, faces tough opposition from Henrique Capriles, 40, the candidate of the unified opposition. EPA/MIGUEL GUTIERREZ +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Venezuela Wahlen 2012圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


據德新社援引《宇宙報》(El Universal)網上版報導,在委內瑞拉周日的大選中,至少有一人被打死。這名30歲的男子是在佩塔雷市(Petare)的一個選舉站前排隊等候時被不明身份者開槍打死的。上周末,委內瑞拉的巴裡納斯州就發生一起兩名反對黨候選人恩裡克‧卡普瑞裡斯的支持者被人槍殺的事件。

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