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WIEDERHOLUNG MIT NAMENSKORREKTUR - epa03198592 An undated picture made available on 27 April 2012 shows Yulia Tymoshenko showing her bruises, from alleged beatings by prison guards, in Kachanivska prison in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Reports state that Yulia Tymoshenko former Prime Minister of Ukraine was sentenced to seven years in prison after she was found guilty of abuse of office when brokering the 2009 gas deal with Russia. Tymoshenko is currently being held in prison at Kharkiv and has been on hunger strike since 20 April 2012. EPA/UKRPRAVDA +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Yulia Tymoshenko圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


烏克蘭總理阿扎羅夫(Nikolai Asarow)提醒西方不要未經任何批評性的審視就全盤相信有關前總理季莫申科在服刑監獄中受虐待的報導。阿扎羅夫在社交網站"臉譜"(Facebook)上寫道,每一條訊息都必須經過仔細的確認,而過去幾天的調查顯示,有關虐待的指責是站不住腳的。目前,反對派領袖季莫申科表示願意留在自己的國家接受治療,但是將由一名德國醫生來擔任主治醫師。柏林查利特醫院(Berliner Charité)院長艾霍普爾(Karl Max Einhäupl)在監獄裡看望了季莫申科之後透露了以上消息。這位前女總理患有腰椎間盤突出,並在兩周前宣稱絕食,以要求保外就醫。烏克蘭有關機構曾威脅要強迫她進食。

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