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Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gives a speech during the Myanmar-Japan Business Seminar at UMFCCI (The Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry) in Yangon on May 25, 2013. Abe on May 25 backed the development of a major industrial zone near Yangon on a visit to Myanmar aimed at deepening economic ties with the former junta-ruled nation. AFP PHOTO / YE AUNG THU (Photo credit should read Ye Aung Thu/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Ye Aung Thu/AFP/Getty Images


據法新社報導,日本首相安倍晉三周日訪問緬甸。這是1977年以來首位日本首相訪緬。安倍與緬甸總統登盛舉行會晤。安倍承諾,為緬甸提供510億日元(約合4.985億美元)新貸款,用於緬甸全境的基礎設施建設,如道路和水電供應,發電站維護,以及位於仰光附近的日緬合作迪拉瓦港經濟特區的發展。此外,日本還證實將免去1761億日元(約合 17.4億美元)的緬甸外債。日本外交部發表聲明稱,日緬關係正在向更高的水準發展,以建立持久、友好與合作的關係。

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