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Member states vote on a draft resolution backing an Arab League call for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down, which was later vetoed by Russia and China, during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council at UN headquarters Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. The unusual weekend session comes as Syrian forces pummel the city of Homs with mortars and artillery in what activists are calling one of the bloodiest episodes of the uprising. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow)
安理會會議圖片來源: dapd


聯合國安理會將於周二召開緊急會議再次討論敘利亞危機。德國已經提出相關解決方案。一直被敘利亞政府禁止入境的聯合國緊急救濟協調員瓦萊麗‧阿莫斯(Valerie Amos)將在周三動身前往敘利亞。阿莫斯周一在紐約表示,敘利亞當局已經證實,她本周可以訪問敘利亞。阿莫斯將根據聯合國秘書長潘基文的指示,要求敘利亞衝突各方保障救援組織順利進入敘利亞救出傷員,為災民提供緊急援助。

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