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INGOLSTADT, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 15: Horst Seehofer, Chairman of the Bavarian Christian Democrats (CSU), casts his ballot in Bavarian state parliamentary elections on September 15, 2013 in Ergolfing near Ingolstadt, Germany. The outcome in Bavaria will be seen by many as an important indicator ahead of German federal elections scheduled for September 22. (Photo by Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images

就在德國聯邦政府換屆大選開始前一周,德國巴伐利亞州迎來了新一輪州政府選舉。民調結果顯示,現任州長澤霍費爾(Horst Seehofer)領導的基社盟(CSU)有望獲得絕大多數支持。目前和基社盟聯合執政的自民黨(FDP)有可能只有3%至5%的支持率,連重返州議會都相當危險。慕尼黑市長烏德(Christian Ude)隸屬的社民黨(SPD)可能只會獲得18%至21%的支持率。民調結果還顯示,綠黨能夠吸引大約10%至13%的選票。所有參與此次巴伐利亞州競選的黨派都希望能通過理想的支持率為下周末的聯邦大選搖旗助威。

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