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JAHRESRÜCKBLICK 2011 - A European Union flag waves accross the Parthenon of Acropolis in Athens, Greece on 03 November 2011. Political developments are extremely fluid on Thursday in Athens, a day after a high-profile meeting in Cannes between Greek PM George Papandreou and the German and French leaders, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, a meeting that resulted in the Papandreou government backing off a decision for a referendum in January -- ostensibly to approve a lending agreement -- and instead eyeing a referendum in December over the question of Greece's membership in the Eurozone. EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


希臘主要聯合執政黨領導人作出書面保證,在今年4月舉行的議會選舉後仍履行財政緊縮及改革承諾。泛希社運主席帕潘德裡歐和保守派新民主黨主席薩馬拉斯周三(2月15日)向歐元區的代表發出了相關信函。做出書面擔保是歐盟和國際貨幣基金組織向希臘提供第二筆巨額拯救貸款的先決條件之一。原定今晚舉行的關於希臘局勢的歐元區財長會議日前被臨時取消,而代之以電話磋商。歐元區主席、盧森堡首相容克解釋說,此舉是因為希臘方面未滿足作出向該國提供總額1300億歐元拯救資金決定的先決條件。希臘財長韋尼澤洛斯今天在雅典宣佈, 至歐元區財長電話會議今晚開始之前,希臘將滿足歐元區國家提出的所有先決條件。此外,雅典政府今年還必須追加節約3.25億歐元。

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