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School guards sit in front of the police during a protest outside the Administrative Reforms Ministry in Athens September 16, 2013. Greek police fired teargas to disperse school guards trying to enter the ministry in central Athens on Monday as teachers began a strike against public sector layoffs and forced transfers. REUTERS/Yorgos Karahalis (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS EDUCATION CIVIL UNREST BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT)
圖片來源: Reuters

成千上萬的希臘就業者繼續舉行大罷工,抗議政府在公共服務行業裁員的計劃。希臘的中學教師已經連續兩天罷課,許多大學、養老和醫療保險公司以及勞動局的員工也加入了罷工行列。公立醫院的醫生只接納急診病人。從周三開始,所有政府雇員將罷工48小時。根據國際貸款人的要求,雅典政府計劃在 2014年年底前解僱15000名公務員。

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