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Newly appointed caretaker Prime Minister Panagiotis Pikrammenos attends the swearing-in ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Athens, Wednesday, May 16, 2012. Council of State head Panagiotis Pikrammenos, 67, was appointed earlier Wednesday to head a government that will lack the mandate to make any binding commitments until new elections, which are expected June 17. (Foto:Thanassis Stavrakis/AP/dapd).
希臘臨時政府總理皮克拉蒙諾斯圖片來源: dapd

周四,希臘臨時政府總理皮克拉蒙諾斯(Pikrammenos)公佈了其內閣名單。經濟學家詹尼亞斯(Giorgios Zanias)出任財政部長,現年83歲的希臘前外長莫利維亞蒂斯(Petros Moliviatis)再次擔任外長。新的國防部長由前總參謀長佛蘭古立斯(Frangos Frangoulis)擔任。臨時政府的16位部長於周四上午宣誓就職。之後,5月6日選舉產生的議會召開會議。據估計該議會可能自動解散,為重新選舉徹底鋪平道路。希臘各政黨之間對與希臘援助國達成的緊縮政策存在巨大爭議。皮克拉蒙諾斯領導的過渡政府將為6月17日的重新選舉進行準備。