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新聞之後的時事焦點關注: 「7•5」事件兩年後維吾爾人處境仍然艱難 。 中國作家廖亦武最近將有兩本書在西方出版。 歐盟暫時停止進口埃及芽菜種子 。 中國發展模式再次引發討論。 之後是德語媒體看中國。

FILE - In this July 7, 2009 file photo, a Uigher woman demands the return of members from her community before a group of paramilitary police officers when journalists visited the area in Urumqi in western China's Xinjiang province. Nearly a year after the worst communal riots in China's far west in more than a decade, stories of asylum seekers interviewed by The Associated Press are among the few accounts to emerge of how some Uighurs managed to get out amid a government crackdown. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)
圖片來源: AP
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