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BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 06: German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle arrives for the weekly German government cabinet meeting on February 6, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. High on the morning's agenda was discussion of regulation of financial markets as well as that of credit institutes. (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images)
德國外長讚揚韓國對待衝突的反應圖片來源: Getty Images

鑑於朝鮮半島的緊張局勢,德國外長韋斯特韋勒強調了「德意志聯邦共和國對韓國的聲援」。周三,韋斯特韋勒外長在同韓國外交部長官尹炳世(Yun Byung Se )通電話時表示,北韓宣佈重啟寧邊核反應堆和封閉開城經濟特區的決定是不能接受的。韋斯特韋勒譴責了「北韓持續的威脅」和最近的「升級步驟」。同時讚揚韓國「迄今穩重和負責的反應。」

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