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BERGEN, GERMANY - MAY 02: A German army Leopard 2-A6 heavy tank participates a maneuver May 2, 2006 in Bergen, Germany. The German Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr, though originally intended to be defensive only by the German constitution, are deployed in various regions around the world today. The Bundeswehr acts in prevention and crisis intervention missions under international command and usually under UN mandate. Politicians have re-defined defense as guarding the security of Germany practically anywhere in the world. (Photo by Ralph Orlowski/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images


德國《商報》周五(7月12日)報導說,德國向沙烏地出售多達270輛「豹式」坦克的計劃已經落空。該報援引「多名熟悉相關的人士」報道说,沙烏地阿拉伯即將與美國製造商通用動力公司(General Dynamics)達成購買M—1作戰坦克合同。「豹式」坦克由德國克勞斯—馬費伊—魏格曼公司(KMW)製造,被認為是全球最佳作戰坦克之一。多年來,沙烏地一直表示願購買豹式坦克。根據該國同德國製造商達成的意向性協議,沙烏地將購買最多270輛,總額至少50億歐元。鑑於沙烏地國內人權狀況不佳,該軍火交易在德國國內引發強烈爭議。根據德國法律,軍火出口必須經由聯邦安全委员会批准。由梅克爾總理領導的該委員會迄今未就是否同意向沙烏地出售「豹式坦克」開放綠燈。《商報》報導說,沙烏地方面失去耐心,轉向美國。

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