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BERLIN, GERMANY - MAY 22: German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere arrives for the weekly German government cabinet meeting on May 22, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. De Maiziere is under increasing pressure following the "EuroHawk" drone debacle, in which de Maiziere announced recently that the German government would cancel the military project, which has already consumed EUR 562 million, due to the complications with domestic flight certification. The "EuroHawk" is a modified version of the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Thomas de Maiziere 22. Mai圖片來源: Getty Images

最新線索表明,德國國防部長德梅齊埃(Thomas de Maizière )有可能比之前表態所稱更早就瞭解到了"歐洲鷹"無人機項目曾瀕臨失敗的消息。德國《南德意志報》和路透社相繼發表報導稱,有一份日期為2013年3月6日的文件證明,德梅齊埃當時已經和議會黨團準備就此召開會談。文件中記錄了無人機在獲得飛行許可方面正面臨著重重困難,存在風險。報導稱,德梅齊埃3月12簽署了這一文件。而6月5日,他在聯邦議院國防委員會和記者面前聲稱,他於5月13號才得知了"歐洲鷹"的問題,並於當天同意叫停該項目。從下周一開始,國防委員會將就這一耗資巨大項目的失敗展開調查。

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