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epa03858312 Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg (R) and main opposition leader Erna Solberg leave the building after their appearance in a TV show in Oslo, Norway, 08 September 2013. Voting was underway on Sunday in parts of Norway in a two-day parliamentary election, where Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of the Labour Party is seeking a third consecutive term. Surveys suggest Stoltenberg's red-green coalition, which includes the Socialist Left Party and Centre Party, will fail to muster sufficient support among the roughly 3.6 million eligible voters. The main contender to take over as premier is Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg. Her aim is to form a four-party coalition with the right-wing Progress Party, the Liberals and Christian Democrats. EPA/Fredrik Varfjell NORWAY OUT
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


挪威下屆議會選舉周一(9月9日)進入第二天。最新民調結果顯示,史托騰柏格(Jens Stoltenberg)首相領導的工黨政府面臨敗績,索爾貝格(Erna Solberg)領導的保守黨將獲勝,但所得票數將不足以單獨執政,需要右翼的進步黨和另外兩個較小的右翼政黨的支持。2005年起執政的現政府被認為缺乏動力,並被指責未能阻止2011年「7.22」恐怖事件的發生。極端右翼分子佈雷維克在當年的7月22日這一天,先後在首都奧斯陸和於特島作案,殺害了77人,成為挪威現代史上和平時期的最大恐怖事件。

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