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A young girl takes photos at a wall with flowers in memory of the victims of Friday's bomb attack and shooting rampage in Oslo, Norway, Tuesday, July 26, 2011. The defense lawyer for Anders Behring Breivik said Tuesday his client's case suggests he is insane, adding that someone has to take the job of defending him but that he will not take instructions from his client. Geir Lippestad told reporters that the suspect in the bombing on the capital and the brutal attack on a youth camp that killed at least 76 people is not aware of the death toll or of the public's response to the massacre that has rocked the country. (Foto:Emilio Morenatti/AP/dapd)A young girl takes photos at a wall with flowers in memory of the victims of Friday's bomb attack and shooting rampage in Oslo, Norway, Tuesday, July 26, 2011. The defense lawyer for Anders Behring Breivik said Tuesday his client's case suggests he is insane, adding that someone has to take the job of defending him but that he will not take instructions from his client. Geir Lippestad told reporters that the suspect in the bombing on the capital and the brutal attack on a youth camp that killed at least 76 people is not aware of the death toll or of the public's response to the massacre that has rocked the country. (Foto:Emilio Morenatti/AP/dapd)A young girl takes photos at a wall with flowers in memory of the victims of Friday's bomb attack and shooting rampage in Oslo, Norway, Tuesday, July 26, 2011. The defense lawyer for Anders Behring Breivik said Tuesday his client's case suggests he is insane, adding that someone has to take the job of defending him but that he will not take instructions from his client. Geir Lippestad told reporters that the suspect in the bombing on the capital and the brutal attack on a youth camp that killed at least 76 people is not aware of the death toll or of the public's response to the massacre that has rocked the country. (Foto:Emilio Morenatti/AP/dapd)
一個挪威小女孩獻花圖片來源: dapd





挪威國家情報部門負責人克里斯蒂安森(Janne Kristiansen)周三表示,沒有證據顯示,佈雷維克與該國或英國的某些團伙有聯繫;佈雷維克是單獨作案。此前,佈雷維克曾聲稱,另有兩個極端團體在挪威活躍著。


Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg pays tribute to the victims of Friday's twin attacks before a memorial service at Oslo Cathedral, Sunday, July 24, 2011. The man blamed for attacks on Norway's government headquarters and an island retreat for young people that left at least 93 dead said he was motivated by a desire to bring about a revolution in Norwegian society, his lawyer said Sunday. (Foto:Emilio Morenatti/AP/dapd)Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg pays tribute to the victims of Friday's twin attacks before a memorial service at Oslo Cathedral, Sunday, July 24, 2011. The man blamed for attacks on Norway's government headquarters and an island retreat for young people that left at least 93 dead said he was motivated by a desire to bring about a revolution in Norwegian society, his lawyer said Sunday. (Foto:Emilio Morenatti/AP/dapd)
挪威首相斯托滕貝格圖片來源: dapd

周二,佈雷維克的律師裡普施塔特(Geir Lippestad)向記者表示,其當事人將接受醫學檢查,鑑定心理狀況。




People place candles in Utvica near Sundvollen in front of the Utoya island, near Oslo, Norway, Tuesday, July 26, 2011, in memory of the eight people killed in Friday's blast in Oslo and the 68 who died in the shooting at the youth camp on Utoya. (Foto:Ferdinand Ostrop/AP/dapd)People place candles in Utvica near Sundvollen in front of the Utoya island, near Oslo, Norway, Tuesday, July 26, 2011, in memory of the eight people killed in Friday's blast in Oslo and the 68 who died in the shooting at the youth camp on Utoya. (Foto:Ferdinand Ostrop/AP/dapd)
於特島上的悼念燭光圖片來源: dapd

德國聯邦刑事局則呼籲,在網路上設立一個報警按鈕,讓網民可以直接舉報極端主義的網路內容。聯邦刑事局局長揚森(Klaus Jansen)表示,如果有誰在網路上發現了右翼極端主義、極端伊斯蘭主義的內容,或者槍擊殺人案的線索,須將網頁內容舉報給一個網上報警中心。揚森表示,已經這一計劃內容轉交歐盟委員會,便於在歐盟各國實行。










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